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Hotel in Casale Monferrato Hotel Business

Hotel Business (Casale Monferrato) balcony family-friendly animals permitted air-conditioning smoking handicapped accessible secluded tv set
house description:
The Business Hotel, a three- star hotel since 92, is located at 100 mt from the exit of the motorway A26 toll-gate Casale Monferrato Sud. This motorway connects the so-called commercial triangle which has at the vertexes Torino, Milano, Genova and is 1 km. far from the historical downtown. It could be a good fiducial point for people who travel direction South Italy, Switzerl
pricing conditions:
Singleroom max 95.-EUR,1 day Doubleroom max 140.-EUR,1 day, Breakfast included Parkink free.

booking request
min. price: 60.00 €
categorisation: ***
beds: 139
journey description:
chek-in 12.00 chek-out 10.00 Exit motorway -Casale Sud- 200 meter on the right side. 2km from down town.
balcony / terrace, family-friendly, animals permitted, air-conditioning, smoking room, handicapped accessible, secluded, tv set,
Hotel Business
Viviana prigione
Strada Valenza 4g
15033 Casale Monferrato
phone: +390142456400
fax: +390142456446
email: send inquiry